Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gavin's First Smile (On Video, At Least)

This was last week, at about five weeks old. He has been smiling for a couple weeks now, but this was the first time I'd caught it on video. You'll have to wait 'til the end of the video, but trust me, it's completely worth it! Sorry for the junky film quality, but we all know how much more convenient it is to grab an iPhone than the actual video camera :)


  1. He's SO sweet! I love how even before he gives you a real smile he makes lots of pleasant little content faces. What a sweet boy.

  2. Yay for smiles! October can't come soon enough!

  3. Awww...I love seeing him on video! What a handsome feller he is! And I'm impressed with your voice. I HATE the way I sound recorded, but your "mama voice" is quite pleasant. =)
    We are coming to PHX in November and I've gotta steal me some quality time with the Gavinator!! ;)
