Sunday, August 14, 2011

Two Months!

Egads, how time flies! Our little boy is two months old! It seems like just yesterday that he was a tiny little newborn, and now our tank is 14 pounds, 3 ounces and 24 inches long! His personality has changed a lot over the last 4 weeks, and now he is super chill and extremely happy (unless of course he's hungry, in which case he still screams bloody murder). He really doesn't deserve his "tyrant" moniker, but we keep it around anyway. He is the best thing on earth, and we're both COMPLETELY obsessed with him. It's hard to imagine a time before we had a child, and why would we want to?!

Smiling at his Gandy


  1. It is amazing how fast it goes! I can't believe I almost have a 9 month old! Oh and I am VERY glad you did a blog catch up today :)

  2. Just as I suspected, he's fantastic!

  3. The amazing thing is how deeply he looks into your eyes. And when he cackles with laughter, your healt melts with joy
