Saturday, January 8, 2011

Week 19, Almost Halfway There!

Sorry everyone, we are already struggling to find time to keep up this blog! Once the baby comes, we will be all over it like white on rice :)

We are almost halfway though this whole pregnancy thingie, and it's going GREAT! I love being pregnant, it's been really easy so far (I'm one of those lucky ones). Lately my lower back has been KILLING me, but that may also have to do with the whole broken pelvis issue too. Being on my feet all day teaching is rough, and I know it will get worse, but it's so worth it!

We are going to find out the gender of the baby on TUESDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We could not be ANY MORE EXCITED! Beth in particular is going absolutely nuts waiting. She already has names, bedding and color schemes picked out for either scenario... talk about a nesting freak. Poor Geoff knows that he has to rip up our old carpet and build a wall once we know the sex, so his excitement is... a bit tempered :)

Here are some pics from today! Who is winning the Bump Challenge, me or Geoff? You be the judge!

You can finally really see my bump in pictures! I don't just look bloated! LOVE IT!

Also, our blog cannot be complete without some pictures of our nephew Isaiah (Beth's new reason for living!) and our first child, Lucifer.

She's so flippin' gorgeous in her Christmas bow!

Besties for life.

The most handsome boy in the world with his lovely Gamma!

Too much Christmas dinner!

Our beautiful Christmas surprise from my sister Jenna and family :) They are STILL brightening our living room!


  1. Thank you, Thank you! Love the update! Love the bump and I still think Geoff is in the lead ;)

  2. Hahaha, once the baby comes you'll have all the time in the world to blog. He or she will sleep through the night after a couple weeks and around that time you'll realize you are thinner than before without having tried really. And you'll get you're very own house gnome to come and keep the place sparkling clean. It will be magical...

    Hilarious. Though you will have more complaints if we don't get tons of awesome new baby stories and pictures. :-) Hopefully that will motivate you to stop staring at new baby in wonder long enough to blog a bit.

    You look great, thanks for the update.

  3. Pregnancy looks good on you, darlin'! You're glowing and that baby bump is growing so beautifully!!

  4. You look fantastic! And happy! I can't believe finding out the gender will happen so soon! Can't WAIT to hear!
